Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The Crucible Essays (309 words) - Salem Witch Trials, Tituba

The Crucible Essays (309 words) - Salem Witch Trials, Tituba The Crucible The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, is a fact-based story about a town called Salem and it's unjust people. Salem, was a town ruled and governed by religion. Things such as games, newspapers, or anything alien to their small town were considered evil. Though a strict, religion-based town might sound appealing to some, the town had many problems. One such problem was the witch trials that took place in Judge Hathorne's Court. In these trials little girls would sit in the front and the elder people in the back. Judge Hathorne would sit in the middle with the defendant sitting in a chair to the right. The defendant would be questioned and interrogated like any case held in court today. Then the girls in the front would put on a show that the person was "grasping them with a chilly hand " or attempting to kill them. After this the defendant would be sentenced, usually to hanging. I pitty those girls. It's amazing that a show put on by such adolesence could end a persons life without factual proof. I think, on a more positive note, that Tituba was a strong character in Salem. Tituba told the children stories of which they'd never heard. Tituba influenced them to think beyond which their parents and teachers had instilled and enlogged inside their heads. But my views aren't agreed with by Abigail who shouts, "She sends her spirit on me in church; she makes me laugh at prayer." (p44) Many times, Tituba is accused of witchcraft and "compacting with the devil." This is sad because all Tituba's intentions are two show the children that there'' more to life than Salem wants them to see. On the whole, The Crucible is a story that has greal moral and has many lessons to be learned(as well as other Arthur Miller selections)

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